
Monday, December 8, 2008


Congratulations on your new job today Shiela! I know it's a ways to and fro but you can use that time to work on your groove thing in the car as you sing during the long drive.

Way to go Shiela!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

My favorite Christmas Movies

Last night the kids and I watched Dr. Seuss The Grinch that Stole Christmas. Both little ones had their eyes glued to the screen as my oldest downed her hot chocolate. I enjoy times like this with them. We all help put out our Christmas village and train set out last night and then enjoyed the movie together. I hope to have more evenings like this with them before Christmas gets here.

Here are a few of my favorite Christmas movies:

Monday, December 1, 2008


Now that Thanksgiving has come and gone, I want to say I am still very tired from it all. I'm not sure if it was all the eating or just the long weekend but it feels like I need a very long nap. I didn't go out shopping on the dreaded Friday as I call it but I somehow stayed busy all weekend. I am looking forward to going home and doing nothing but watching TV. No work, no children to tend to and thinking of nothing sounds like a really good idea. The problem with that is I'm not sure when I can do that. My plate seems to be too busy for that sort of thing right now. If I'm going to make it though the week I better get some rest.... Here's to Thanksgiving and the wonderful Holiday it is. I hope you enjoyed it because I did.