Friday, July 24, 2009
Here's a couple of things talked about on the Early Show....
You will get wrinkles however you move your face.
Let kids use their stomach as a guide to when they are full and don't teach them to use the plate as their judging system. As adults, it would do us some good to leave food on the plate when it is piled too high most of the time to begin with.
Slumping over is bad for you back and shoulders. Stay active and keep your core strength
You get a cold from a virus not the cold weather.
Have a fun day!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Something To Think About
* 0.1 second: The front bumper and grille of the car collapse. If the car has an air bag, it has already inflated.
* 0.2 second: The hood crumples, rises, and strikes the windshield as the rear wheels lift off the ground. The fender wraps around the struck object.
* 0.3 second: The driver's legs jam under the dashboard and break, while the steering wheel heads for the driver's chest.
* 0.4 second: The car's wrecked front end comes to a stop, but the car's rear is still rushing forward, and the driver's body is still traveling at 55 mph.
* 0.5 second: If the car is not equipped with an air bag, the driver is smashed against the steering wheel, crushing arteries and lungs.
* 0.6 second: The driver's feet are ripped out of their shoes. The brake pedal snaps off, and the car's frame buckles in the middle. Without an air bag, the driver's head smashes into the windshield.
* 0.7 second: The passenger door rips loose, and the rear doors fly open. The front seat rams forward, pinning the driver further against the steering wheel shaft and dashboard, as the car slams forward.
*0.8 second: The rest doesn't matter, the driver is no longer alive.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
And so my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country. – JFK
There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. Yet that will be the beginning," - Louis L'Amour
Honor God – Honor Each Other
I want to leave legacy. How will they remember me? Did I chose to love? Did I point to you enough? – Nichole C Mullen’s song
A man is about as happy as he sets his mind to be. – Abraham Lincoln
Choices have consequences. – Said by my mother-in-law
Friday, June 5, 2009

Dumb stuff Spencer says
- “Madonna, eat your heart out, Britney Spears, eat your heart out. I would say we have diamond records coming – they’re gonna sell 10-million plus.” Talking about Heidi's music career.
- "We realized we had lost our minds" Who cares why or where he said this..we all just agreed on something with Spencer.
- "I'm too rich. I'm too famous. I'm outta here," said as he was leaving the jungle.
- “I look at them as the Heidi and Spencer of politics,” speaking of Pattie & Rod Blagojevich
- "I'd voted for your husband for president" speaking of Rod Blagojavich
Wouldn't it be nice...

Thursday, June 4, 2009
To my Little Lani
- You are a ball full of energy
- You have a wonderful imagination
- You a great big & little sister
- You love Jesus
- You hang on me like a monkey
- You are good at teaching Trey new things
- You make me laugh so much
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Monday, June 1, 2009
Anything can be Spraypainted (Well, almost anything)

- Pumpkins
- Curtain Rod
- Picture Frames
- Canvas
- Desk
- Chair
- Mirror Frame
- Sconces
- Shelves
I'm sure I could add a few more items to the list but I said I would keep it short.
I like spray paint for the easy use of it all. I don't like having to mess with the brushes and and the clean up of them. It is a very durable product and covers really well. To use spray paint, it is really very simple. Be sure to read the can and make sure the material you want to paint is listed on the can. There are different kinds of spray paint out there and make sure you get the right one.
I also like spray paint for the color varieties out there. You can get white, pink, neon green, baby blue, purple, gold, silver, or any other kind of color that fits your fancy. It come in gloss, semi-gloss, and flat just like paint in a can does.
When you get ready to paint something, remember to make sure item is clean and free of any dust or any grime. Also make sure the surface is at you want it. Do you need to sand the wood down or fill in any in any cracks? Need to think of those kinds of things. Once your item is prepped and clean, you are ready to paint. Be sure and paint in a well ventilated area.
I believe it is best to do a few light coats on your items so you will be able to get a smooth surface. One of the best things to help you do a good job is the spray paint can handle attachment. I have purchased several of these over the years. I normally them at my local Hobby Lobby for $1.00. Really helps make the job easy, simple, and fast.
Happy painting and remember to have fun!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Family Dis-connect

My advise to J&K+8 is to stop the show. For your family, your marriage, and your kids. But how hard would that be when the show is your cash cow. That's just my two cents but not that it matters.
No matter whether you think the show should go on or not, what do you think about Kate's brother and sister-in-law going on the Early Show and telling their opinion of the matter. Dear SIL seems to be emotional about the whole thing and Harry was sensitive to it. Nothing like family going on other shows to say how they feel about you. How tacky in my mind. I have to question if you are really concerned about the kids or the free trip to NY. I never like it when "concerned" family member play to the media.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009

- Who/What is Jacob?
- How is it that Locke is alive if Dead is Dead?
- Is Ben really evil or good?
- Will James end up with Juliet or Kate? (I am on team Juliet)
- Where did Claire go? Will she return?
I have other questions but those are the ones I'd like to know first. I will be sitting in front of my TV on Wednesday night with a glass of sweet tea and maybe something to snack on. I cannot wait!!!!!
Planning A Clothes Swap Party
- For Who: women, men, or children
- Date and Time
- Place
- list it if you have a clothes minimum or maximum
Have a good time. Enjoy the time with your friends and the opportunity to get rid of some stuff and take home some new items for yourself. Serve some finger foods and drinks. Have a ball!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
To the Women in my life here are some of my best memories of you....
- My Sister: Really just sharing a room with you. Thank you for always taking the bottom bunk. I knew the monsters would get you first since you were on the bottom and then I would be able to run for safety.
- Mother Hubbard: How you would always let me sleep with you after I wet my bed or was too scared to sleep in my room. Thank you.
- My Gran: I love how happy you were at your birthday parties. They were always a real surprise to you.
- My Memaw: To the most loving and sweetest Grandparent. Thanks for all the trips to McDonald's after church on Sunday nights.
- Mamaw: All of the card games and late nights of dominoes mixed with lots of laughter have got to be some of the funnest times.
- To my NC SIL: Our conversations with each other that no one else gets to hear. We really do help keep each other sane.
- My Mother: (last but definitely not least) My funnest memories are when you would swim with us and you would beg for us to leave you alone and not get your head wet.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Where have all the Sippy Cups gone?
There are so many different types of sippy cups out there. There is the Nubby which is great for transition from the bottle to a cup. There are the kinds with straws which leak slowly if you leave the straw up. There are different kinds of lid with different kinds of stoppers. Knowing which lid, stopper, and cup all go together is really an art form. In my experience the cheaper the cup, the more likely they will leak. So while these cups may be spill proof, they are not what I call drip proof.
With the disappearance of all the sippy cups in the house, I believe it’s time for a new transition. While yes, my children still are toddlers and they are learning to drink from a big kids cup (that’s one without a lid) while sitting at the table for supper, I believe I will take it one step further. It’s time to cut off running around with a sippy cup. If they want a drink, they can have a big kid’s cup and leave it in the kitchen. This will be good for two things. It will cause less juice stains on the living room furniture and it will cut down on their juice and milk intake in between meals. It will be a good thing. Here’s to less juice stains all over the house!

Thursday, May 7, 2009
What kind of parent are you? I don't mean if you are a good or bad parent kind of thing. I'm just simply asking, do you get up in the morning and fix your kids something hot for breakfast or are you more of the "here you go eat this" kind of parent.
I remember growing up and my Dad would always fix our breakfast for us and we all had to sit at the kitchen table together and eat it before we left for school. We would have cereal, eggs, cinnamon toast, waffles, or something of that nature that my Dad would sit in front of us. Sometimes we had oatmeal for breakfast and my two sisters did not care for oatmeal very much. They talked me into eating my bowl of oatmeal and theirs too. Now looking back, I don't know how they achieved this. Probably because I was the youngest and was dumb enough to listen to them. I'm not sure.
I believe no matter which kind of parent you are, as long as your kids get a good breakfast (and cold pizza does qualify) then you are doing okay. Just for the record, I am the pop tart kind of mom while my sister has become the biscuits and gravy kind of mom. (Good job Sis)