
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday!

My dear friend Megan over at
links up to

I thought I would share my Lovin' Wednesday with you too.

I'm Loving paper plates.  They are not PC, I know.  But right now I do not have a working dishwasher and paperplates saves me lots and lots of time.

I'm Loving my exerices classes in the mornings.  A group of women from my church have been meeting at 5 a.m. three days a week and we have been getting our workout on!

 I'm Loving watching these three monkeys grow up.

Happy Wednesday to All!


Wanted to Share

Today I have been looking around blog land and I have found two sites that I have looked at from front to back.

First you need to go check out

Then you need to go check out

I really enjoyed the simplicity of these sites.  I find comfort at places like these.  I hope you do to.
Have a cup of coffee and enjoy your day.